Things I’ve Enjoyed #67

Each Sunday I compose a list containing the most thought-provoking and interesting content I’ve consumed during the past week. Primarily as a way to keep inventory of material that influenced me and my way of thinking.


The Alluring City by Wrath of Gnon.

”So rather than letting ourselves become tangled up in metaphysical debates and holier-than-thou status games, we might do better adopting another word for what we want to achieve. For this purpose I propose a word that is already in use by ‘hard’ scientists (the kind that work in lab coats and uses sophisticated neurological monitoring gear, the kind of people who recoil from epistemological status games as if it were kryptonite): allure.”

”Furthermore, an alluring scene would be human scaled (meaning that we can access it physically or easily comprehend it intellectually as well as temporally—anchored in time, connecting the past and the future with the fleeting present). It would be a scene where we can allow the human drama, the drama of our everyday lives, to take place. It would be both ludicrous (in the original meaning of the word, playful), and practical: it would be a place where you can both make a living and live.”

Why You Should Trust Trust and Distrust Distrust by Rob Henderson.

”Trust is predicated not on evidence but on the lack of contrary evidence. If you want to know how trustworthy I am, you don’t count up all the times I behaved in a responsible way and then make your decision. Rather, you focus on all the times I did something deceitful. This makes trust vulnerable to destruction. Because it only takes a little bit of doubt and the mere hint of potential betrayal to ruin it.”

Trust is earned in drops, but lost in buckets.

If You Make Money Every Day, You’re Not Maximizing by Kris Abdelmessih.

I Quit My Job to Work on a Book about Late Bloomers by Henry Oliver.

CBDC: Airdrops, Airtaxes and Agency by Pippa Malmgren.


Jeff Currie on the ‘Volatility Trap’ Keeping Commodity Prices So High, Odd Lots.

How to Survive In the New Economic & Financial Order with Russell Napier, Hidden Forces.

Diego Parrilla on the Three Levels of the Investment Game, Superinvestors and the Art of Worldly Wisdom.

Publicerad av Olof Palme d'Or

filosofie magister i analytisk filosofi. optionshandel. risk. autodidakt.

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